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Agent's Report - 05/21/2012

DATE:   May 21 2012

TO:             Franklin Conservation Commission

FROM:   Nick Alfieri
Conservation Agent
RE:             Agent’s Report & Commentary


Vegetation Management Plan – DPW/Jim Esterbrook – RFD

Staff has reviewed the application and has prepared the following commentary.

  • Staff recommends the Commission requests a list of the name brand or active chemical that is being used to treat vegetation within wetlands areas or streams, and the 100 foot or 200 foot buffer zone.
  • Staff recommends that once request number 1 above is answered to the satisfaction of the Commission, that a Negative Determination for the Vegetative Management Plan be issued.
West Central Street Shoppes – 438 West Central Street – G&H – NOI

Staff has reviewed the application and has prepared the following commentary.

  • Item number 11 in the table of contents is listed as an alternatives analysis and there is a page in the application labeled Alternatives Analysis: however on the NOI form under B. Buffer Zone & Resource Area Impacts box number 6, which asks whether there was an alterative analysis done, was checked no.  In the application the page labeled Alternative Analysis is not really an alternatives analysis but a reiteration of the Project Narrative.
  • In the Wetland Report written by Paul M. Knapik it states “no Certified Vernal Pools exist on the site”.  Our local instructions for filling out a NOI require the applicant to make a statement to the existence of both Certified and Potential Vernal Pool.  Since this information can be found on the Town web site at, please include both Certified and Potential Vernal Pools in any NOI applications.
  • The 5th plant in the matrix on page 15 of 17 does not appear to be a native New England species according to our Best Development Practices Guidebook or the USDA plant list.  The 9th planting in the same matrix is spelled wrong.  It should be Lotus corniculatus instead of Lotus comiculatus.
  • In the construction sequence on page 17 of 17, number two should state “install erosion control barriers and install sign and have a signed, stamped letter from a PE stating that the erosion control was put down according to the approved plan prior to doing any work on site.
  • Staff recommends the Commission have a site walk at the property at a scheduled time before the next meeting.
  • Staff recommends continuing the Public Hearing until the meeting scheduled for June 7, 2012.   
Franklin High School – Pare Corporation – NOI

Staff has reviewed the application and has prepared the following commentary.

  • Under Section 9 – Erosion & Sedimentation Control Plan, the 17th item states “soil erosion control measures shall be inspected and maintained on a weekly basis and after each storm event of 0.25 inch or greater during construction to ensure channels, ditches and pipes are clear of debris and that the erosion control barriers are intact.  Identified deficiencies shall be corrected immediately.”  Please add the following statement to this item.  Please email, fax or drop off these inspections to the Conservation Department at least every other week.
  • Under Section 12 – Construction Sequence and Schedule, the very first item shall be “Once erosion control is installed in Conservation jurisdiction a stamped, signed letter must be submitted to the Conservation Department prior to any other work beginning on site.”
  • On Plan drawing number C0.1 under General Notes & Legend, notes 4 & 6 under General Notes as well as notes 2 & 7 under Grading and Utility Notes all should have “and Conservation Commission or their Agent if in Conservation jurisdiction” to the end of each note.
  • Under Erosion and Sedimentation Control Notes on the same page as above, note 1 shall state “and the Orders of Conditions if in Conservation jurisdiction” at the end of the note.  In addition, in the same section note 16 shall be worded as to match item number 1 above.
  • On page C1.4 Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan, note one shall also refer to the Order of Conditions in the area is in Conservation jurisdiction.
  • The note 15 of the same page as above shall also state that a signed, stamped letter be received in the Conservation Department prior to any work starting on the site
  • The note 16 on the same page as above shall state that the results of these inspections are written down in a log and copies of the inspections be sent to the Conservation Department at least once every two weeks.
  • No de-watering detail shown in the detail drawings.
  • The Franklin Conservation Commission prefers that if hay bales are going to be used for erosion control, they shall be placed upon the undisturbed soil instead of trenching the ground first.  In addition the silt fence shall be folded under the hay bale prior to installation of the hay bales.  All other aspects of the Silt Fence with Hay Bale shall be followed.  If the applicant is proposing to use straw filled wattles, the Franklin Conservation Commission does not accept these as an adequate means of erosion control.
  • Staff recommends a site walk.
  • Staff recommends continuing the Public Hearing until the next meeting.
DelCarte Conservation Area – Tighe & Bond – NOI

The site walk for this project was conducted on May 17th at 6:30 pm.  Provided all of the commission’s concerns were addressed to the satisfaction of the Commission, Staff recommends discussing any Special Conditions with the applicant’s representative prior to closing the Public Hearing.


  • Pearce Murphy Nature Walk – The first ever Pearce Murphy Nature Walk took place on Saturday, May 12, 2012.  According to Meredith (the Planning Department intern) who led the walk, everyone who attended had a great time and was pleased that the Conservation Commission & Department sponsored the walk (see attached).
  • PARC Grant – On Tuesday, May 14th, Members of the committee working on the Del Carte Recreation and Conservation project attended the Massachusetts PARC grant workshop in Amherst, MA.  They were able to obtain valuable information that will help the town apply for a PARC grant.  Whether these monies are used for the recreation area or in support of the dam rehabilitation work is not yet clear.
  • Del Carte Sign – The Committee that was formed to look at a play ground at the property that had the old house at Del Carte’s is looking for suggestions for the sign.  Please let Staff know about suggestions you may think of.
  • Capital Budget Meeting – On Wednesday, May 16, the Conservation Chair and Staff attended the Capital Budget Meeting.  The results of the meeting were to approve the Del Carte Dam Rehabilitation funding and to send the measure on to the Town Council for final approval.
  • 887 Lincoln Street – Staff did an inspection at 887 Lincoln Street.  The plantings are planted according to the approved plan.
  • Side Table – A few documents of interest are on the side table for any of the Commissioners who wish to review.
880 West Central Street – Staff has attached the final draft of the letter from Conservation.  As of the time of this report writing, no response has been received by the property owner.

31 James Street – A site walk was performed last week.

Crossway Church – 282 Summer Street – Commissioner’s recommendation of types of plants for the church to plant around and in the bottom of the detention basins.


18 Island Road – Sewer Hook-up - Unkauf – NOI – See attached OOC document

Mass Bay Commuter Railroad – Culvert replacement – TRC – NOI – See attached OOC document.
